Lagos, Nigeria

Diary Of A 3rd World Economist

Nigeria: Microlending clampdown in the offing?

Most technology-based products are founded on the idea of addressing pain points through solutions infused with ease, speed, and simplicity. Generally, ideas with these three features disrupt an industry legacy business model. When credit providers carved their niche in the fintech space, they capitalized on these principles – providing loans to virtually anyone, anywhere, and…
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Subsidies: Africa’s troubling addiction

The average African feels entitled to subsidies. Due to prevailing poverty, subsidies are perceived to be a necessity because of the wide gap between the market-determined price of goods and services and the financial strength of the wider population. From agriculture subsidies in Kenya and Malawi, to transport subsidies in South Africa, and fuel subsidies…
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Africa: The pandemic’s debt legacy

Money begets money. That is the logical justification for debt accumulation. The pursuit of economic prosperity or at least survival amidst limited economic growth explains why countries borrow. Debt is considered a stimulant – borrow, invest in productive activities, and reap the benefits of growth. However, as countries emerge from the troughs of the pandemic-induced…
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Will CBDCs sail or sink?

When the cryptocurrency craze hit the world, currency regulators – Central Banks around the world – feared that their worst fears had been actualized. A currency they had no control over had been created, giving people an alternative to fiat currencies. As cryptocurrencies gained increasing popularity in countries around the world, especially populous ones like…
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Africa: One putsch too many

Is Africa experiencing a coup culture resurgence? No less than 220 coups – attempted and successful – had been perpetrated in Africa since the 1950s, exceeding records from any other continent in the world. It is estimated that three of every four coups in the world take place in Africa, and the situation is even…
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Quake at the Bretton Woods

How relevant are international development institutions today? To many countries, not very relevant. The Bretton Woods institutions, which were established to rebuild the post-war world and encourage global economic cooperation may have outlived their relevance. Developed economies have taken the determination of their economic health into their own hands, charging their central banks and finance…
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Nigeria – Mending the deep cracks

If recent indicators are anything to go by, Nigeria’s economy is in shambles. The Naira is trading at over N500/$ at the open market, inflation in double-digits, unemployment at a record high, uninspiring debt levels, and deteriorating welfare indicators. The past few years have been such a downhill ride. But you should expect little from…
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Much ado about cryptos

A financial revolution is underway. Tesla cars can now be purchased with bitcoin and prominent investment managers are including cryptocurrencies into their portfolios. In another landmark moment in cryptocurrencies making history, the biggest US cryptocurrency exchange– Coinbase (COIN)- went live with its direct listing on Nasdaq. You can say Coinbase took the revolution to the…
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A long walk to equality

Conversations about equality have been gradually gaining momentum over the last few years, fueled by national social movements, including #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo. Inequality is a multifaceted problem that cuts across many industries. Companies are increasingly talking about inclusion as a desired cultural norm while public figures – like Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson – are…
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Fishing for trouble

The blue economy is at risk and China is a major culprit. China is the kingpin of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF) globally. Although fish do not necessarily observe national maritime boundaries, migratory fish are some of the most economically valuable and are thus extensively targeted. Increasing unlawful fish catches means fewer fish will…
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